A design hackathon by the U of S UX collective
Feb 11-12 2023
About The Designathon
The Designathon is UX Collective's first in the series of an annual two day event where collaborative teams of creative, innovative individuals can explore design solutions to real problems.
Saturday, Feb 11
10:00am - 10:20amNetworking and finalizing a team and picking a problem statement (students also have the option to work solo)
10:30am - 10:50amBeginner UX workshop
11:00am - 11:20am Intro to UX research
11:30am - 11:50amWireframing
12:00pm - 1:00pmLunch break
1:00pm - 1:30pmPrototyping workshop
3:00pm - 3:30pm Design Handoff (Things to consider from a development perspective)
Sunday, Feb 12
1:00pm - 3:00pmDesign Showoff (Students submit and present their designs and explain their design decisions)
How many people can be in a team?
We highly recommend working in teams of 2-5 since design is a collaborative process and working together will help enrich your experience. Teams will not be assigned, so feel free to make your own in advance or on the day of the event. You can also join one on UX Collective’s Discord channel #designathon-22. Sign up sheets will be provided to have your team registered.
Who can participate?
Registration is open to current USASK students only. Anyone of any skill level can join!
When is the deadline to register?
Friday, Feb 11th @ 11:59PM. We will cap the event at 50 participants, so register early!
Where is the designathon going to be held?
Arts 263 is in the second floor of the arts building. Once you get up the ramp, keep walking straight and it should be on your right!
How long is the designathon?
It will run over the weekend from Feb 11th till Feb 12th from 10 am to 8 pm. Snacks and drinks will be provided!
How should I prepare for the designathon if I have no design experience?
We will host a beginner friendly workshop on Saturday morning as well as send you a bunch of resources through email in advance.
So what’s in it for me?
2 winners get their choice of $50 gift card each and this is a great opportunity to jazz up your resume and design skills. Collaborative work outside of school is often looked upon very favourably on your CV. This is also a great opportunity to network and exercise your learning through a new project.
What will we be working on exactly and what do I produce by the end?
You will be given 5 design prompts to pick from (e.g Design an app to reduce loneliness among older adults in homes) and will have a prototype at the end that you will have a chance to show off and present at the end.
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